How Alternative Account Incentives work?
Step 1: Create a new alt account on habbo.
You can find out more on how to make it from loading alt account guide.
Step 2: Register your alt account here.
Don’t forget to request an undercover badge for access around the base.
Tag @alt trackers on Discord for faster review on your form.
Step 3: Loading your alt to the base and rewards will be given based on the online time.
The maximum hour you can redeem for the day is 12 hours.
Reminder: The time reset for the day reset every 12:01 GMT.
Alt Online Time | Equivalent Point |
1 hour | 5 points |
Step 4: Send the proof screenshot on the #alt-incentive-request channel (Discord)
The screenshot must be clear and consist:
- alt account in base,
- alt account online time
- your current date and time.
(You can use Lightshot and Imgur to screenshot.)
The screenshot must be send together with this information:

Example of post (Discord):

Step 5: Claim your reward!
You can check your accumulated alt points here.
The points can be converted into credits or promotion based on the table below.

To claim the rewards, fill up this form. The rewards will be credited to your MyPay account every Sunday.
** HC giveaway is conducted every week for members who achieved 100 points and above.
**Bonus points when members introduce this alt incentive system to a new member where both of them will receive 100 points each.