Registering to and using PatPay
This spreadsheet is used for logging credits that you’ve earned. Your available credit amount is listed next to your username in the spreadsheet.
Your username should be added to the spreadsheet as soon as you’ve completed Recruit training, but in the case that you’ve not been added, please use this form to request being added to the spreadsheet.

A pay queue is hosted 6 times a day at these times: 2AM, 6AM, 10AM, 2PM, 6PM, and 10PM. All times are in GMT.
The requirements for pay are as follows:

What counts as a log for your pay request?
A valid pay request log can be any of these following logs:
- Promotion log (You got promoted)
- Promotion log (You promoted someone)
- Training log (Recruit or Divisional Training)
- 2 unsuccessful scouting logs
- 1 successful scouting log
- 1 Sold Rank (Financial Only)
- 1 Transfer/Reinstatement Log (Internal Affairs/Ownership only)
- 1 Fired Log (HR+ Only)
Please note that your log has to be “unused”, meaning that you cannot use the same log for multiple pays.
Example: You used a training log for 2PM pay. To match the log requirements for next pay you would need a new training log (or any other log).
How to request Pay?
Pay requests are open two hours prior to the pay queue and close ten minutes before it starts.
For example, if you want to be paid at 10AM GMT you must submit your pay request between 8AM – 9:50AM GMT.
If you submit or edit your request after :50 minutes then your request will be deemed invalid and you will need to resubmit when the next pay request opens.
As long as you manage to fill for 60 minutes before :00, you can still make the pay request at any time before :50 as long as your “Online Time” reaches at least 60 minutes before :00.
To request pay, go to the #pay-requests channel in our Discord server.
If you cannot join the server because you’re standard rank, please ask someone to file a pay request on your behalf.
Please follow this format. It is also pinned in the channel.
- Username: (your username in Habbo)
- Time: (GMT time zone)
- Work: (Example: 1hr FTF + Promo Log)
- Witnesses: (Tag 2 witnesses of your work that are HR or above. They need to react to your request for it to be valid. Tagging a Pay-logger or Pay Host counts as 2 witnesses.)
- Pay/Promotion: (Pick one ONLY)
- Cashing out: (Yes/No)
- Alts: (List Habbo usernames of your alts for alt bonus, list “N/A” if not applicable)
Request Example:

Alt Bonus
The Alt Bonus incentivizes people to boost SS’s population by having alts stay in the base.
To claim the alt bonus, your alt accounts need to be in the base for at least 3 hours. This will add 1 extra credit when you claim your pay.
Cashing Out
If you have more than 10 credits in PatPay, you’re eligible for a cashout. Cashing out can only be done during a pay queue, and only in increments of 10 credits. To cash out, please specify it in your pay request.
You can check your balance at

Bonus Pay
Bonus Pay is a system designed to reward players that work for SS and actively fill stations. A variety of rewards can be earned through this system. This includes promotions, additional credits, or consumable passes.
How to earn points?
To start earning points, you need to be filling a station (Front, Security, Training, Helpdesk or Internal Affairs)

Every 5 minutes, a random user that is currently filling a station is teleported to the Bonus Pay area.
To continue, please double-click the elevator in the compartment.

If the elevator can’t be entered, Bonus Pay is being reset. If this happens, double-click the gate in the compartment. This will void your bonus points.
Once in the Bonus Pay room you need to check if your name is already on the current leaderboard.
If your name is not already on the leaderboard, you must first check to see if there are already 50 names on it.
If there are 50 names, please proceed to the next teleporter for the next Bonus Pay Room.
Repeat the step until you either find your name on a leaderboard or find a leaderboard with fewer than 50 names so you can add yours.
Once you have found your name or you have found space on a leaderboard then you can proceed to step on the open gate under the timer.
Once you have found your name or you have found space on a leaderboard then This will move you to the other side of the room and add 1 point to your name on the leaderboard.
Each leaderboard point counts as 5 Bonus Points.

To exit Bonus Pay, enter the elevator in the second section of the Bonus Pay room and then in the next room enter the elevator that has the star tile in front of it.
You will be teleported to the base. Please make sure to repeat this procedure each time you get teleported in order to maximise your Bonus Points.

Bonus Pay Rules
- Filling an eligible station for 5 minutes is required before being eligible for Bonus Pay. If you’re teleported before then, please use the gate in the compartment to void your Bonus Pay.
- Bonus Pay can only be claimed when there’s no ongoing maintenance in the Bonus Rooms. If the Bonus Pay elevator is inaccessible, maintenance is currently ongoing.
- Bonus Points are only credited at the end of each month.
- Unused Bonus Points transfer to your points total and that balance can be found on this spreadsheet. – [SS] Incentive/Points System Tracker
The list of rewards and the corresponding point costs are listed in this spreadsheet.

This form is to be used for claiming Habbo credits and passes. For claiming promotions, please request in the Discord channel #bonus-pay-requests using the pinned format.
There are 2 kinds of passes earnable through the Bonus Pay system:
Pay Pass: This allows you to claim credits from 1 pay queue, without the need to meet station filling requirements.
Payban Pass: This allows you to skip 1 payban period, which means that you can leave straight after the pay queue without the need to fill a station for 30 minutes.
Please check this spreadsheet to check your amount of remaining passes, and instructions on how to use them.
To convert your points to promotion you must request under: Bonus-Pay-Request using the format:
Current Rank:
Single or Double Promotion:
Number of points claimed:
@Pay Team Leadership
How to Log Disconnection of Main Account
Step 1: If you’re on mobile/on the Modern version of Habbo, just go to to get your Online Time (Last login). You may also directly go to{Habbo Username} to get your Online Time.

If you’re on the Classic version of Habbo and you have an alternative account—go to the ‘Friends’ window, search your Habbo, and take a screenshot of your ‘User Profile’, and then proceed to Step 4.
Step 2: Type in your Habbo username, select ‘FIND’, and wait until the page has loaded.

Step 3: Once finished, take a screenshot of the page along with the ‘Last access time:’ to show proof of your Online Time.

Step 4: Go to Secret Service Discord server > #disconnections. Attach the image of your disconnection by the following format below:
Habbo Username:
Reason for DC:
Witnessed by: @[1 High Rank+] & @[1 High Rank+]
Screenshot of Online Time:

Step 5: Once both High Rank+ have reacted to your post, you may log back in to Habbo.