I. Alt Incentive System
Alternate Accounts help to boost the base population of our agency. To give appreciation to the members who take their time and efforts to maintain their ALTs in base, the following reward system is created. For every set of hours their ALTs are online in base, equivalent points are given which can be exchanged for Habbo credits, passes and promotion.
1. If members would like to start claiming incentivized ALT points, they must register at least 1 alt. These alts should be registered here.
2. To start claiming points, load your ALTs into base. These alts can fill stations if needed, however main accounts of members are prioritised to fill in the stations.
3. If your ALTs got disconnected, make sure a proper disconnection log is posted in #disconnections. See the pinned format in the channel for reference.
4. Please fill out the pinned format in the #alt-incentive-requests for your points to be counted. Also tag @ALT Trackers to check your format.
Remember that 25% of base must be shown in the screenshot.
5. You can post in the channel more than once a day, but MAX 12 HOURS per day and MAX 2 ALTs will be allowed. Counting of Alt hours for the day starts at 12AM GMT and resets after 11:59PM of the same day.
6. The hour(s) get multiplied by 5. Example: 12 hours will turn into 60 points (12*5 = 60)
5. Request:
a. Pay or Payban passes will be added automatically in this sheet. (Please refer to Pay/Payban Passes Tab)
b. Promotion rewards will be given by Pay Leadership(s) in base immediately.
6. All rewards will be added every Sunday when you fill in the form before 9 AM GMT. (You aren’t allowed to claim during an In-Base LOA)
7. Sharing of alt account count as double jobbing, so it is not allowed.
II. Bonus Pay Points System
The Bonus Pay is a monthly bonus reward given to members who make exceptional efforts in base during the month. Based on the point system, you can earn Bonus Pay monthly given that you have earned enough points by the end of the month. With Bonus Pay, you can collect various rewards depending on the points you earned by the end of the month.
1. Points earned will be added into the sheet at the end of every month (bonus points room closes 1 day before the month ends). Each point earned will be multiplied by 5.
2. Only the main account is allowed to claim the points. Any points that were claimed from your alternative account(s) will not be counted.
3. If a member would like to claim rewards, a request can be submitted using the claiming reward form (for coins & passes). For promotions, it will be through the #bonus-pay-requests channel in the Discord server.
4. Please refer to the points that were added to the summary sheet when sending in your bonus pay request. Points that are still in the point rooms and not on the sheets are NOT claimable.
5. Request:
a. Pay or Payban passes will be added automatically in this sheet. (Please refer to Pay/Payban Passes Tab)
b. Promotion rewards will be given by Pay Leadership(s) in base immediately.
6. All rewards will be added every Sunday when you fill in the form before 9 AM GMT. (You aren’t allowed to claim during an In-Base LOA)
Note: All unused points in both systems will be carried forward to the next month.
III. Claimable Rewards
All points earned from the Incentive Points System are used to claim the following set of rewards (Use this form to claim coins and passes; Request on #bonus-pay-requests channel for promotions):
Additional features for Alt Incentive System:
- Bonus points when members introduce this alt incentive system to a new member where both of them will receive 100 points each.
- Be part of monthly HC giveaways once you earn enough ALT points.