How to Apply for In-Base LOA?
Click the link below:
Fill up the form accordingly.
Make sure to read all the LOA requirements and rules before apply.
Tick the box once you fully understand.
Enter your Habbo username:
Tick the box according to your current rank.
Enter your division and rank (Division – Rank).
Select the number of days.
Enter the start and end date.
Reminder: LOA request form submission needs to be at least 3 – 5 days before your actual LOA start date.
Kindly specify the reason of you taking LOA as it will be use to consider whether your application will be accepted or not.
Do not forget to add [LOA] on your motto after your request being accepted by IA LOA editors, if you are able to do so.
Please provide a working Discord or Email as this will be used by IA LOA editors to notify your LOA request.
Double check your form before submitting it. This is to avoid your LOA request from being rejected.
You will receive the notification from IA LOA editors within 48 hours after submitting your request.
How to Apply for Unit-LOA?
Click the link below:
Make sure to read all the LOA requirements and rules before apply.
Tick the box once you fully understand.
Enter your Habbo username.
Please provide a working Discord or Email as this will be used by IA LOA editors to notify your LOA request.
Select the unit/s you wish to apply LOA for.
Kindly specify the reason of you taking LOA as it will be use to consider whether your application will be accepted or not.
Enter the start and end date.
Reminder: LOA request form submission needs to be at least 3 – 5 days before your actual LOA start date.
You may put relevant comments regarding your request.
If none, you can put N/A or – for this question.
You will receive the notification from IA LOA editors within 48 hours after submitting your request.
How to cancel LOA?
Click the link below.
Please select the correct option according to which LOA is currently active for your Habbo account.
Enter your Habbo username.
Please provide a working Discord or Email as this will be used by IA LOA editors to notify your LOA cancellation request. Your Discord name should be in the format “Username#0000”.
Fill out your current division and rank in SS.
Please specify the reason for the cancellation of your LOA as it will be used to consider whether your cancellation will be accepted or not.
You cannot apply for LOA again until 30 days have passed after your cancellation. If you agree to this, select the radio button.
After you get a screen telling you that your response was recorded, please wait until you’ve received a notification via email/Discord.