Pay & Ranking
When is pay?
Pay is held six times a day; every day at 2 am/pm, 6 am/pm, and 10 am/pm GMT. This is to ensure that everyone can get paid.
You can utilise a third-party website, such as or, to adapt the pay times into your local timezone.
How much is pay?
Pay varies from 1-3c and is paid 6 times daily. In addition, if you have alternative accounts in base with a total of 3+ hours Online Time, you can collect +1c more during the pay line.
What is GMT? What time is GMT for me?
SS runs by Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). This means that all of our pay times and events are announced in GMT times.
To convert the pay times to your local timezone, you can use a third-party website such as or
What is payban? Why did I get paybanned?
Payban policy states that you are not allowed to leave base after collecting pay for 30 minutes starting from the end of pay.
Leaving during this period will place you on the payban sheet and you will not be allowed to claim pay for the following 24 hours
Why can’t I get pay?
It’s possible that you didn’t fulfil the necessary online time requirements. For details on how many minutes of online time you require, review the Pay Policy.
You might also have received a payban, which prohibits you from receiving pay for the ensuing 24 hours. You can look to see if you’ve been paybanned under #paybanned-members on the Secret Service discord server.
Why can’t I rank up to the next division? I am a Scouter+ and have already worked for more than an hour in the last rank of my division.
To rank to the next division, you have to fulfil certain requirements. Make sure you’ve met them, as followed:
- Scouter: 3 scouting logs.
- Trainer: 3 trainings & 2 scouting logs.
- High Rank: training at least 1 recruit, and promoting enough, depending on your division.
You may check out the Promotion Policy to see a more detailed write up on what you need for each division in order to be promoted into a new division.
If you have already met the needs, head to the help desk and ask a higher rank to observe you.
How do I buy ranks or donate?
Ranks can be bought from any Financial Member of Secret Service (identified by their badge owned by SS-Director). One can be found in base or requested through the dedicated Discord channel. Donations are to be given to these same members.
A number of options for donations can be found on our sponsorship page.
What is the Foundation?

Foundation are the in charge members of the Secret Service. Its the highest division in the agency consisting of Co Founders, Founders and the Founding Fathers. They first handed manage the entire operation.
Logging & Boards
What is the link to boards?
To get to our SS boards click here or go to
What rank do I need to be to have a boards account?
Since boards are used for logging scouting, promotions, training, discipline etc., the earliest you can have an account is once you reach Scouter division. This is when you will start logging scouting activities, so an account is needed
How do I create a boards account?
Once you’ve joined the Scouter Division (or higher), visit here (
In the top right corner press “Join Us”. Enter your information (for the “Your Name:”, make sure to enter your habbo username). Fill out the rest of the fields.
Once submitted, request a Badge Admin on Discord under the channel: #loggingsite-request to accept the account.
How do I log a promotion/training?
On the left side of the screen, you’ll notice a menu that lists ‘Add Logs’. Clicking on that will show you a drop-down menu.
Choose the type of log you’ll be logging, then enter the corresponding details required and hit submit. The log will then show up in the list!
My name on boards does not match my Habbo username, how do I change it?
Always make sure your Boards name matches your Habbo username.
- Go to ‘Profile’
- Under the Summary tab press ‘Edit Profile’
- Navigate to the Personal tab, and the first field should be the ‘Display Name’
- Change this to your Habbo username, then press ‘Save Personal Settings’
How do I search for logs by Promoter/Trainer?
To search for logs by the log creator:
- Go on ‘Search Logs’ from the menu on the far left of the screen and choose what logs you’re searching (promotion, training, etc.)
- Instead of entering the information in the search bar, press on the magnifying glass to the right of the search bar.
- Pressing this will show a list of filters you can add in the search, one being ‘Post Created By’
- Press this one, then enter the username of the log creator, and press ‘Done’.
Base Etiquette
When can I stop wearing the uniform?
Wearing the uniform around the base is important if you’re a standard rank. Once you reach the Scouter division, you are free to wear anything that you like.
On NRW [No Rules Weekend] you can wear your own clothing, as long as it is appropriate and follows the Code of Conduct, even if you are a standard rank.
Am I allowed to use capital letters in base?
Capital letters are allowed to be used in the base as long as they are not overused or spammed.
When can I start to use color chat?
Colour chat is restricted to be used only by Room Control (black chat only), Senior Staff, for use during training or tour, or No Rules Weekend.
Alternatively, colour chat rights may be bought from a Financial Team member.
When can I write things at the end of my motto?
You can write things at the end of your motto when you reach the security division. Make sure the things you put are not inappropriate.
What do I do when I have an issue with another SS member?
Speak to any Secret Service Advisor, who are responsible for handling in-base conflicts within the Secret Service. You can request one through the help desk.
Furthermore they help and support those members handling difficult situations, and resolve issues pertaining to arguments, bullying, etc.
Additionally, you can also submit a request by clicking here.
How to unlock my vault?
To unlock your vault you will need to buy credits with real life money.
Procedure & Units
What are EUs/ADs and ATs?
EUs (Exclusive Units), ADs (Administrative Departments), and ATs (Administrative Teams) are teams that help run SS behind the scenes.
More information on EUs/ADs can be found under the “Units” section at the top of the page.
How can I join them?
Job openings for any and all teams will be announced on the Secret Service Discord server, announced in base and the link to each unit’s application can be found on their own unit page on this website, IF the applications are open!
Who is in charge of the units?
You may search the names of the people who lead special units on this website by clicking on Units in the menu.
What is an LOA? How do I apply for one?
LOA, short for Leave of Absence, implies when you need to take time away from Habbo for various reasons. You can apply for a LOA if you are Security+.
For more information on our LOA policy, and to apply, click here or go to
How long do I have to wait between requesting LOAs?
You must wait at least 1 month (30 days) between your last ended LOA and requesting a new one.
I lost my badges, how do I get them back?
What is Discord and when do I join the SS server?
Discord is an instant messaging and digital distribution platform wherein users can communicate through servers and private chat. You can access the SS server once you reach the Security division.
To join discord, click here.
Survey Additions
Pay & Ranking
How do I buy ranks or donate?
Ranks can be bought from any Financial member of SS (identified by their badge owned by SS-Director). One can be found in base or requested through the dedicated Discord channel. Donations are to be given to these same members. A great option for donations can be found on our sponsorship page.
Base Etiquette
What is NRW?
NRW (or No Rules Weekend) is a weekly occasion that covers Friday to Sunday that negates certain rules for the sake of fun and being more casual. This includes wearing the SS uniform, using color chat (except for red), and dancing in base. All other policies (including those pertaining to other clothing worn) are still in effect.
How do I report someone for breaking rules?
Most offenses found in base are to be reported to any HR+ or senior staff available. These might include uniform violations, dancing, wrongful promotions, and most trolling behavior. For repeat or more serious offenses, or if personnel are occupied, the inv Report Form found on the Internal Investigation Unit’s page should be used.