Internal Security Affairs

What does ISA do?

The Internal Security Affairs is a Foundation led Administrative Department that focus on the matters of the agency. Studying possible privacy breaches and consulting the agency about them before they are exploited. That kind of stuff and a wide range of operations. ISA are in-charge of handling any severe misconduct done by a senior staff or an outsider.

What roles are there in ISA?

  • Normal Administrative Department Leadership (Director, Deputy Director and Assistant Director) 
  • Trial Members > Full Members > Team Leader(s) 

What are the requirements to be in ISA?

  • Senior Staff. (Mod+)
  • No disciplinary sanctions in the past 6 months.

Is there a contact form?

INV iC members have access to the ISA contact form in cases where it needs to be forwarded to them. There is no public contact form.

Other than Senior Staff misconduct is there more to ISA?

Any severe cases. Such as cases that present a more immediate threat to the agency and endangers its existence.

Example of the case ISA deals with:

Security/Privacy threaths.
Internal scamming toward SS. (example: A Financial member keeping the money they get from selling rank.)
DDoS threat.

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