How to log disciplinary logging according to the type:
Please note that each separate offense will remain and will not reset the disciplinary system.
Example: Someone gets a VW for wrongful promotion and WW for being disruptive in base.
Verbal Warning
If ever you encounter someone breaking the rules or doing any misconduct such as below:
- Make sure to screenshot the actions of how the offender broke the rules to serve as evidence.
- You must get approval from Room Control+ before issuing a fire, demotion, or written warning. (You can only discipline a member who is FIVE ranks below you and must not be in the same division as yourself.)
Once Approved by RC+,
STEP 1: ATT the offender.
STEP 2: Inform the offender of the rule/s violated and the punishment they will receive.
Also, inform them of the next punishment they will receive if they persist in disobeying the rules.
AE the offender when done. (It is preferred to perform the disciplinary action in whisper to prevent others from interrupting the process.)
STEP 3: Go to and click Add Logs. Then, go to Disciplinary Log.

STEP 4: Fill out the fields required accordingly.
Make sure that the Type of Discipline is under VERBAL WARNING. After filling out the information required, click Create Post.
STEP 5: Double-check to make sure your Disciplinary Log is correct.
(Strike 1) Written Warning
If ever you encounter the same person breaking the rules or doing any misconduct such as below:
1. Make sure to screenshot the actions of how the offender broke the rules to serve as evidence.
2. You must get approval from Room Control+ before issuing a fire, demotion, or written warning. (You can only discipline a member who is FIVE ranks below you and must not be in the same division as yourself.)
Once approved by RC+,
STEP 1: ATT the offender.
STEP 2: Inform the offender of the rule/s violated and the punishment they will receive.
Also, inform them of the next punishment they will receive if they persist in disobeying the rules. Make sure that the offender added x1 to their motto.
AE the offender when done. (It is preferred to perform the disciplinary action in whisper to prevent others from interrupting the process.)
STEP 3: Go to and click Add Logs. Then, go to Disciplinary Log.

Step 4: Fill out the fields required accordingly.
Make sure that the Type of Discipline is under WRITTEN WARNING. After filling out the information required, click Create Post.
Step 5: Double-check to make sure your Disciplinary Log is correct.
(Strike 2) Demotion
If ever you encounter the same person breaking the rules or doing any misconduct such as below:
Demotion is only allowed to be issued for a repeated offense within 14 days after WW was issued.
1. Make sure to screenshot the actions of how the offender broke the rules to serve as evidence.
2. Seek approval from RC+ before issuing a Written Warning.
(You can only discipline a member who is FIVE ranks below you and must not be in the same division as yourself.)
Once Approved by RC+,
STEP 2: Inform the offender of the rule/s violated and the punishment they will receive.
Also, inform them of the next punishment they will receive if they persist in disobeying the rules. Make sure that the offender added x2 to their motto.
AE the offender when done. (It is preferred to perform the disciplinary action in whisper to prevent others from interrupting the process.)
STEP 3: Go to and click Add Logs. Then, go to Disciplinary Log.

Step 4: Fill out the fields required accordingly.
Make sure that the Type of Discipline is under DEMOTION. After filling out the information required, click Create Post.
Step 5: Double-check to make sure your Disciplinary Log is correct.
(Strike 3) Fired
If ever you encounter the same person breaking the rules or doing any misconduct such as below:
Fired is only allowed to be issued for a repeated offense within 14 days after the Demotion was issued.
1. Make sure to screenshot the actions of how the offender broke the rules to serve as evidence.
2. Seek approval from RC+ before issuing a Written Warning.
(You can only discipline a member who is FIVE ranks below you and must not be in the same division as yourself.)
Once Approved by RC+,
STEP 2: Inform the offender of the rule/s violated and the punishment they will receive.
If the offender insists to leave the base, request for Room Rights on #rr-request in the SS server. (It is preferred to perform the disciplinary action in whisper to prevent others from interrupting the process.)
STEP 3: Go to and click Search Logs. Then, go to Fired Logs.

STEP 4: Click Fired Log Template and copy the format.

STEP 5: Go back to the Fired log page and click Create Thread.

STEP 6: Paste the format you copied and fill out the information required. Click Create Thread when done.
STEP 7: Double-check the log in the thread you created. You should add your future fired logs in the same thread by clicking Add Log.
How to log a disciplinary action using mobile:
STEP 1: Go to and log in to your account.

STEP 2: Scroll down to the bottom.
Enable desktop mode by pressing DESKTOP.
STEP 3: Press Add Logs, followed by Disciplinary Log.
STEP 4: Fill out the required details and click Create Post.