1. All scouting HAS to be done in PUBLIC ROOMS.
2. Scouting through DMs (Direct Message) is NOT ALLOWED.
3. Asking someone who enters SS base if they would like to join is NOT considered scouting.
4. To ensure your scouting logs are accepted, they must include the following:
a. Conversation Screenshot
b. Public Profile Screenshot
c. Timestamp
5. If you’re using an alternate account (ALT) for scouting, it must be registered and have the SS Undercover badge.
A. Conversation Screenshot:
- A screenshot of your conversation with a non-SS member where you invite them to join the Secret Service (SS).
- The recruit’s response, whether it’s a ‘Yes’ or a ‘No’.
B. Public Profile Screenshot:
- A screenshot of the recruit’s public profile to confirm they are not working for another agency. Ensure their profile is set to public, so the required information is visible.*
C. Timestamp
- The screenshot must clearly show your device’s date and time to prevent the reuse of old logs.*
1. Location
a) Finding a Room:
- Open the room navigation and select “All Rooms.”
- Choose a room with a high population to maximize your scouting efforts.
b) Avoid Poaching:
- NEVER scout at other militaries or agencies. This is called poaching and will lead to disciplinary action.
2. Communication
• Conversation: Ensure your screenshot includes the conversation where you ask them to join SS and their response. • Timestamp: Your device’s date and time must be visible. • Member’s Profile: Includes the profile of being scouted on the screen. (Main profile is MANDATORY) – CLOSED PROFILES are considered invalid as there is no way of knowing if they are in other agencies etc. • Acceptable unsuccessful scouting answers: – no, not interested – any kind of insult / harassment towards member. Note: If you need multiple screenshots, you can compile them on an image-sharing website like |
Sample Valid Screenshots (PC): (Mobile): |
• Missing Timestamp: Screenshots without the device’s date and time are invalid. • No Recruit Response: If the recruit’s response isn’t visible in your screenshot, it’s invalid. • Missing Profile: Screenshots without the recruit’s profile are also invalid. |
Sample Invalid Screenshots (PC): OR (Mobile): |
c) Always Log Responses:
- Whether the recruit says “Yes” or “No”, it MUST be logged.
3. Recruitment
If the recruit shows interest, add them as a friend and ask them to follow you.
If possible, assist them through the process of joining the Secret Service.
4. Logging
Once you’ve completed the scouting process, refer to the Scouting Logs board guide to log it.
– Getting a “YES” from the person you are trying to scout does not mean it is a SUCCESSFUL scout.
– PASSED training log attachment is required.
Refer to boards guide under the Scouting logs.
Need Help?
If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to approach the Help Desk or any HR+.