Continue to copy and paste the exact script into the in-game chat
Great! Under my guidance, please open a new tab and type: habboss|org/iatg
Please make sure to not idle in the training room once you’ve started reading the orientation.
At the end, you may ask me for more clarification.
Do you have any questions about anything?
If the transferee has questions, answer them to the best of your ability. If there are no questions, continue.
Please make sure they have register:
Register New Guy Form
SS Discord
Please request the following in the Secret Service Discord server.
Discord Access – @Chat Moderation (#role-requests)
Promotion tag
Make sure that the promotion tag isn’t already taken here
Submit their tag on this form
Badge(s) & Boards
Skip Boards registration if the transferee’s rank below Scouter division.
Please request the following in the Secret Service Discord server.
Badge(s) – @Badge Administration (#badge-boards-requests)
Boards Access – @Badge Administration (#badge-boards-requests)
Register New Guy Form
SS Discord
Please request the following in the Secret Service Discord server.
Discord Access – @Chat Moderation (#role-requests)
Promotion tag
Make sure that the promotion tag isn’t already taken here
Submit their tag on this form
Badge(s) & Boards
Skip Boards registration if the transferee’s rank below Scouter division.
Please request the following in the Secret Service Discord server.
Badge(s) – @Badge Administration (#badge-boards-requests)
Boards Access – @Badge Administration (#badge-boards-requests)
Do you have any questions?
If the transferee has questions, answer them to the best of your ability. If there are no questions, continue.
Welcome to SS <name>!
Once again, congratulations and I hope to see you around base! If you have any questions,
please visit the Help desk.
Let's BTB.