Leave of Absence

LOA request form submission needs to be at least 3 – 5 days before your actual LOA start date.

In-base LOA

  • While submitting a more than 6 months LOA, you will need approval from Founders/1iC of LOA where you can ask beforehand or request in the LOA form. LOA Editors will inform the status of your LOA by email/discord.​
  • Be aware of the fact that your in-base LOA can be revoked at any point if seen active in-base frequently.
  • Moderators, LOA is determine by your Head of Mod, Kimbaap. Kimbaap needs to approve your LOA before submitting the LOA request form.
  • Supreme Command+, you can apply a LOA for a minimum of 30 days. Maximum, 90 days without approval and 180 days with approval.
  • You are not allowed to apply for another LOA within 30 days (1 month).
  • Maximum of LOA application with approval is 6 months.
  • Minimum of LOA application is 1 month (MOD+) / 2 months.
  • LOA Editors has the right to reject your application if there are any errors occur.
  • LOA Editors will not be responsible for any loss of badges if you do not return within 1 (for MOD+) / 2 months after your LOA has ended.
  • Add in [LOA] at the end of your motto if you’re able to. [LOA] isn’t necessary if it is an urgent LOA that you can’t go online for.
  • If you’re going on LOA, make sure to fill out the form here.
  • If you decided to come back early, meaning before your scheduled LOA ends, you may fill out the cancellation form here.


  • When submitting an EU/AD LOA, the approval of at least one leadership of your unit(s) is needed in order to approve your LOA. LOA Editors will inform the status of your LOA via email/discord.​
  • Your LOA may be revoked if you are seen doing a task of your unit you applied for LOA.
  • You are not allowed to apply for another LOA within 30 days (1 month).
  • Maximum of LOA application with approval is 2 months.
  • Minimum of LOA application is 7 days.
  • LOA Editors has the right to reject your application if there are any errors occur and if the unit leadership did not give their approval.
  • LOA Editors will not be responsible for any loss of units if you have been removed from your unit due to inactivity.
  • If you’re going on LOA, make sure to fill out the form here.
  • If you decided to come back early, meaning before your scheduled LOA ends, you may fill out the cancellation form here.
You can…You are not allowed to…
Fill any stationsEarn promotions (except senior staff promotions)
Do iC workCollect Pay
Log daily pay (If you’re a pay badge admin)Give promotions (except Mod+ for Leadership+)
Use RR (If you’re a room right holder)Win trainer of the month
Accept/remove badges (if you’re a badge admin)Do EU/AD work (if applied for EU/AD LOA)
Sell ranks (if financial)Give demotions
Transfer members (if IA)Train members
Discipline and fire members

When submitting LOA, you agree on all the rules mentioned in this post.
If you are caught breaking any of the rules, disciplinary actions may be given.

Disciplinary system for LOA is as follows:
Warning -> Demotion -> LOA being revoked
(It may vary case by case)

LOA Disciplinary actions can only be given by 1iC of LOA, and Founders.

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