- Which game did you like the most and why?
Dyansed: Attack, I like the danger zone style games so that was pretty fun for me.
Samia?: I liked the Attack game because it was fun watching people get frustrated. I swear I’m not a psychopath… It was just fun because I was hosting the events lmao
Xx.Ducks.xX: I liked the Battle ship game! It was truly different even if KoH couldn’t figure it out lmao.
- Do you think the event helped with improving the relationship between SS and KoH?
Dyansed: Sure, not just SS it helped with all the agencies that participated,e.g UN, CIA and etc. agencies that we don’t see often as they are not our allies.
Samia?: Yes, definitely. SS brought their whole agency to all the events and we were super impressed with their involvement.
Xx.Ducks.xX: I think it did, we are very thankful for SS’s involvement in the event you guys truly helped!
- Overall, what are your thoughts on The Grand Festival?
Dyansed: It was a pretty well done event all around with the builds and host, just wish it was spread out more or longer but it was great nevertheless.
Samia?: It was pretty fun hosting and watching everyone enjoy themselves playing the games.
Xx.Ducks.xX: Think it was a good event just held at the wrong time due to work/school starting for a lot of people.
- On a scale of 1-10, what would you rate The Grand Festival and why?
Dyansed: A solid 8, it was just a day or 2 which wasn’t that great but everything else for a 1 day event was great.
Samia?: 9. I deduced the number because of how a few agencies couldn’t attend nor bring their full.
Xx.Ducks.xX: hm I’d rate it a 7 due to a lack of non allied agencies supporting D: But it was still an amazing event either way.