Editor: sarahwew

Nearly at the end of the Flash version of Habbo, the new version was released. Updates and changes it brought with it, is planned for a new user base. These changes neglect the needs for agencies when agencies are the reason for 70% of the game’s popularity.
Various agencies in the agency floor have formed a workgroup and signed a document involving them in a global shutdown on January 3, 2021 | 7am EST until January 6, 2021 | 7am EST. The purpose of this protest was to remind the game about the importance of agencies to Habbo and its community.
Different agencies were interviewed to provide an insight on the lockdown and the ways people coped while staying off the game.

1. Were you informed by your agency properly about the 72h lockdown?
Jacobcrs: Yes. The Director of EA informed us about the 72h lockdown.
Warzo00: Yes, we were informed days in advance and there was a Q & A session where we could ask questions regarding it
Father_______: Yes and so was all of our SV and Recognized Partners with the 40+ tags in each channel everyday haha.
-ggg: Yes, we were given an early announcement by our founders.
2. Do you think the lockdown was efficient for its purpose
Jacobcrs: Yes
Warzo00: In some aspects yes, although ultimately it was always dependent on habbo listening to us
Father_______: It was seemingly efficient until the end results were produced, everyone’s valiant effort was nullified by Habbo’s response to the protest. Now that Flash has ended, agencies are on the verge of chaos and disorder.
-ggg: Personally yes, I think it affected habbo at some point. But I don’t think they listened to our protest as they responded in their released article that the new changes will still push through.
3. Were you satisfied with the activity your agency held during the protest and what would you suggest on adding or improving for future occasions where the activities are directed to other platforms?
Jacobcrs: I was overly satisfied with the type of activities that my agency held during the Lockdown. I don’t have any suggestions or improvements as my agency did a wonderful job!
Warzo00: The activity was perfect, to be honest
Father_______: Oh absolutely satisfied, we had a 72hr scheduled radio, had ambassadors join the calls, int’l connections via the radio, a lot of movies were streamed including the entirety of the Star Wars marathon. Not only was there an agency lockdown server, other agencies also took part in doing events off of habbo. Honestly if agencies did more things like this, being off of habbo wouldn’t be so bad. It’s hard enough planning dual agency events. But for nearly all agencies to do this? That’s impressive.
-ggg: I’m personally disappointed with myself during the lockdown, as head of events in CIA, I wasn’t able to prepare games and stuff that perhaps people can participate in.