Kingdom of Habbo’s Winter Ball

Editors: Taureana & LissieAl

Every end of the year, many agencies celebrate their many achievements by organizing a huge event wherein they award their staff’s performance. This is a great way to show appreciation of their member’s efforts, and close the year on a good note.

On the 19th of December, Kingdom of Habbo organized Winter Ball, their end-of-the-year event. A lot of awards were handed out, and a few rounds of fun games were hosted wherein all of KoH and their Relation Partner attended wearing winter outfits. The event started with an open ceremony in which many of KoH members were awarded with different funny titles and The Queen’s Merit. Royal Quest and Relation Partners were able to vote for whom they wanted to win the awards.

Awards winners

  • 99% Perspiration: S1mple
  • Baby’s Bottom: Xx.Ducks.xX
  • Lovey- Dovey: Diddles26346 & Mattsongohan
  • Foot-In-Mouth: Warren_
  • Head-In-The-Sand: Enrique53645264
  • KoH’s Single File: lCarla
  • Swiss Army Knife: missdodo12
  • Running-with-the-Bulls: Powfu_ 
  • I’ll be there for you: FBI NW3C 
  • Alliance member who is in KoH more than KoH members: Seas.
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